How to Make Your PowerPoint Slides Look Elegant and Designy

Designy PowerPoint slides are all the rage these days. But how do you make your own? Here are some tips to get you started. How can you make your PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy? Here are some tips to get you started. Applying design principles to PowerPoint can help create a design theme for your presentation. You can add design elements to PowerPoint slides to make them visually appealing.

Applying design principles to PowerPoint

Adding strong header slides is one of the easiest ways to spice up a boring PowerPoint presentation. So, how do you easily create a creative and modern header slide for your next presentation? Wondering how to create a professional-looking header slide? We’ve gathered some tips and ideas to help you develop the perfect design for your next production. Over the years, we’ve often been asked “How do I make a good title slide for my presentation?”.

PowerPoint Slides

Creating a design theme for PowerPoint

To make your PowerPoint presentations look good, you need to make it personal. Pick a theme color, specific fonts, and/or font styles, and use graphics that give the presentation cohesiveness. Remember also that readers can tell from your title slides if you are presenting important content! Take the time to create great titles that set expectations for what the audience will learn in your presentation.

How to add design elements to PowerPoint

PowerPoint has always had its business place, but in today’s digital world, it needs to look slick. To make your slides pop, you can add proper design elements. You do not need fancy skills or design tools, just a bit of patience, and you are ready to rock!

Download and install a free or paid PowerPoint template from the official Microsoft store. Select from various professionally designed templates to keep your presentation consistent and professional. You can also create your own PowerPoint templates using PowerPoint 2016. These templates will allow you to reuse slides repeatedly, saving you time and effort.

How to make your PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy.

It is a popular adage that your presentation should be the film version of your business. Think of logos and other visuals as movies without sound; only you are in the driver’s seat, creating moving pictures for your audience to watch. This course teaches you how to make your slides look movie-quality by including good animations and icons, sharp text fonts, and even some cool transitions between slides.

How do I make PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy?

You must have a great set of photos for your slides to look good. Additionally, the text on your slides should be large enough for attendees to read with ease and low stress. For more information on designing a great PowerPoint presentation and steps for formatting text, check out our free tutorial, How to Make Your Powerpoint Slides Look Elegant and Designy.

Things You Should Keep In Your Mind:

How do I make my PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy?
What are some steps for formatting text in PowerPoint?
How can I improve the overall look of my PowerPoint presentation?
How do I make sure my PowerPoint presentation is effective?
What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating a PowerPoint presentation?
How can I make my PowerPoint slides stand out?

How to Make Your PowerPoint Slides Look Elegant and Designy

You would not believe how many people send me their PowerPoint slides. I always encourage clients to use Keynote instead of PowerPoint when possible, but it can be a huge learning curve because Keynote is quite an art form. While learning the software, you should take some time to learn about design patterns and other style guides and format your presentation correctly to make it look good. When people talk about craft and quality over quantity, this is where I start. If you need.

Tips for making your PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy.

To make your slides look stylish, your information should tell a story. Your clients or viewers will feel like they are at their story’s ceremony, so you make them proud of what they have achieved. Even if that means using real photographs or video clips on your slides, it will immediately make it look professional. You can easily learn design elements from other creatives.


These days, it’s all about making your PowerPoint slides look elegant and designy. After all, who wants to look at a boring, old-fashioned slide deck when you can have something that looks modern and stylish? You can do a few things to make your slides look more elegant and designy. First, use a clean and simple layout. Second, use high-quality images and graphics.